
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 54: No Stranger too Strange: "Adios Valdivia"

As my Chile trip comes to an end I cannot help but ponder the ease with which we often find friends at conferences , similar passions drive us and allow us to learn from the strangers we feel we are in the world we live in for a couple of days. The idea that random people come together,the fact that strangers can be friends doesn't seem strange to me at all. So today is about writing to those strangers who find a different role in our lives and even if the interactions are short lived sometimes and hard to follow up, I find no stranger too strange, I seem to keep coming back to the idea of familiarity in the vague and the idea of the need to know something inside out which drives me from time to time.

No Stranger too Strange: "Adios Valdivia"
No stranger too strange my friend, you will find the good days the bad days and the others alike,
The notebooks will fill with contact sheets, the remainders of the days that have come and gone,
The emails and telephone calls we no longer make, yet find warmth in the fact that we have then saved aside,
The unplanned days, the reality check the facts and figures on the white board I scribble, and when I write music when no one is listening I am often humming a song

My last day at Chile stands out to me, among sharing stories and memories and pictures on a phone,
We are covered by the schedules , the lectures of the day, we pay no heed to lost times,
I often mispronounce that which doesn't come easy to me, but I learn from my mistakes as I take them home,
And I decide to write poetry, my greatest concern is no longer to find a rhyme

The Pisco sour by the bay, the boat rides that end too late into the night,
La Ultima frontera (the last frontier) seems a familiar place, in the company of those whom I have only met for a while,
The restless night doesn't let me sleep, it carries me home through the streets I know,
And to the ones I often wish goodbye, I wish them goodbye "adios amigo".

No stranger too strange comes knocking on my door, the ones I promised I will poetry to a drink,
We have all gone our separate ways, we have much to ponder upon, as we change time zones in between,
And here's to all the randomness, to travel plans; and to Valdivian blues,
The things you will carry back from the trip and till the next time we meet, write back to me too

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