
Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 56: Here's to Absent Friends

I have always thought. that we are often not a single piece in the making, we are merely multiple pieces that fit together, glued onto a surface to make sense to the world. In the past couple of days as I had written to journeys and reflections, there have been times I was reminded of the friends who could carry me on, the ones who have remained and most importantly the absent ones to whom we all attribute a bit of our persona. These are special ones who have etched their role in our lives, and though some have left in much haste, some have never called or cared, we have become indifferent to that familiarity as I wrote about it earlier. We have become accustomed to a world that is incessantly trying to rig the game but we have become better as it, we have been heart broken and in the end though we have had absent friends, we have been absent at unfair times. And hence here's to the absent ones, may you find inspiration in the roles we all play

Here's to Absent Friends
Here's to the absent friends,
The ones who have followed us home in our stories with no end,
The ones who are never lost in duels that we play,
We stand on street corners and fight the world instead

Here's to the absent ones, the ones who could really wish they we there,
To change the world around themselves, and to show they really cared,
They would hustle into busy streets, and could yet find out where we are,
They had learned to recognize faith, disbelief and even fear from afar.

Are we carried on by disbelief, that these kindled souls were once part of our lives,
Or too busy reading the pages of our past, where they lived on , moved on or simply survived
Here's to the absent friends, the ones who kept secrets as we kept theirs
Chances are they have learned to be indifferent to the world we once shared

Here's to the ones we hold high, question or have simply thought about,
Some who have chosen to be absent from our lives, and some who are just as far as a shout,
Oh carry the ship wreck home with you, and fix the pieces some are harder to find,
And then are some who need to repairs, they are absent by choice and yet never left behind

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