
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 81: Being Yourself

A friend of mine wrote to me yesterday about the passing of a hard time, about wanting to be able to put a brave and strong face when facing adversity in personal life, and how the things we choose to not matter, affect us a lot. And though she was able to move on from her condition in sorts , her fear of feeling the same way remained with her.
                              I think we all feel the same way from time to time, when we are stuck between taking a step forward hoping we will make the same mistakes we did earlier. We are tired of being in the same place but familiar things comforts us. I am sure she will make it as do many of us, but we have to often remind ourselves that we are not done trying yet. Here's to such situations and here's to being brave my friend, being yourself .

Being Yourself
Be strong be brave my friend,
Only the feeble ones have been forgotten in time,
Be the rhythm on the note that you play, be the music you compose,
Be noticed, be proud, be yourself as you chose

Be the bend in the river that forces the hand,
Be tall and yet humble, take flight not knowing or caring how to land.
Be restless like the bird , and be free like the wind,
Disappear when the world looks for you, you are too special to be seen.

Be mellow, be sad, but not for a long time,
Because we make stories out of thin air, make fiction that breathes in your mind,
Be the best of you and worst of you, be discovered in many ways,
You have never given up, you are not lost you are simply making up your mind 

Be heartbroken and yet not the broken hearted one, fear not of putting back pieces again,
We have gone on like the wind that fills the room, the words that fill my pen with no remorse no pain
Be strong and be brave my friend, someday you will talk of tall tales,
You are distinct in every way, together we will not fall, we will not fail

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