
Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 86: And though we may

I find the idea of listening and writing sometimes just as self involved as writing with no audience. Though there is no one to interact with, the idea that it makes a story in their heads real worthwhile. I think it is difficult to write to people I have dealt with over the past couple of days , though they have been themselves in someway, there is a hidden side we so often seek to find. And though we may learn a lot from misfortunes in the way, I have learnt it is most important to know there's a journey right around the edge. Here's to those who have written to me, in texts, chats and in many ways, I hope you find whatever you thought you may

And though we may
And though we may not find use, we may be broken at the shores,
We have not forgotten how to get to the other side, we have not let go of the oar.
We have found strength where this is none, and yet we make believe,
We find things to grab hold of, even if it is simply the wind blowing by the leaf.

Though we may be locked up behind closed doors sometimes, our minds wander free,
Our being becomes the very best of us, and sometimes relives a part it couldn't play or be
We have been forgotten by many, we have changed sometimes beyond reproach,
And yet we have planned many ways to look behind, as we have played our different approach

And then some nights when you are lying in bed, thinking where it went wrong,
I want you to remember that certain things are just a part of a hand we were dealt & done.
You have far too many things to be broken about, and very few that puts you back as a whole,
And yet you are brave as the night with many secrets it only slowly unfolds

And though we many not have wandered far , we have wandered free from time,
We have lived many versions of ourselves and we have learned to find a rhyme.
You have grown brave my friend, you have learned from what the world calls mistakes,
And yet only you and I know of the great adventure we like and the ones we partake 

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