
Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 83: Time Zone

I would be remiss if I don't take the time to write about moments when we all get phone calls from people on the other side of the world and if your friends and family are spread everywhere, you can expect calls at anytime. I have woken up many a times to messages and phone calls from these friends who are spread out in places. And though I would say it is hard to respond back when you are sleepy, it is at these odd moments that you feel remembered, cherished and sometimes called upon. Personally I enjoy being woken up sometimes by a happy message or a call I might have missed. In any case I find this splitting up of our lives and responses among different time zones amusing and in the past couple of days while struggling with it, worth something to write about. Though it may approach simplicity in the choice of topic, I believe it is the simple things we should write to at times.

Time Zone
It was 3 am for maybe not the world, but me,
When I had put myself to bed,and yet the whole world couldn't fall asleep
When the random blinking of the phone, a message alert came popping on the screen,
When I was woken up and yet there was some happiness on the unlocked and unseen

Timed away, and stowed away and saved from those who might twist in and turn,
Who have learned to calculate differences in their head, and some that are too hard to discern.
We have all lived with the chaos of the many calls someday, from different time zones,
From silence that haunts our phones sometimes, and sometimes the anticipation of the unknown.

Just like all of us who have been woken up at times,
Who have spoken without their free will, at long calls and on distant lines.
Who have given up just a little bit of their precious sleep,
Because someone somewhere wanted to talk, some needed to speak

I wonder how different it would be somehow, if the whole world is too quiet,
If I switch off my phone and turn on vibrate, would I find a more peaceful night.
I have been told tales and complained by those who feel I might simply have too much time,
But what would our world be , if all the people & all time zones were so quiet even for a while.

I wish I could get rid of the hands of the clock some days,
I could listen endlessly without the tick-tock of the clock, as I feel the world would give away.

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