
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 87: Taking Wings

Tonight I leave with 15 minutes to spare to the airport and though the writing is short , it expresses a sense of both calm and restlessness combined for just a little while. Hope coming home is always filled with scribbles on the pages of a book we like to read over and over again.

Taking wings
When the bags are packed, and the pieces all stowed away,
When your day draws near to an end in more than one way.
The tired traveler, yet boards another plane on the way back home
Find resting stops at more than places where he might belong

We write to you, we read to you, we are on endless travel from time to time,
We find reason to be grounded still , in between the times we take wings
Find rest tonight my soul when you fly, you are in thoughts , even if you fly
Find time to rest even if the restless heart beats, in the little moments you can find tonight

We may be an old read, a familiar ones, a known among the many unknown,
And yet coming home never needs and excuse , it is far from places in my mind and places unknown

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