
Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 44: Keep up my Friend

Today is all about pure poetry from songs, a friend of mine sent me a song and I felt it was too incomplete, so I write this one as an add on. There are times we write to the wonder we feel, to the wonder we bring, the ones we can't always capture in words and still we must try, I say we must always rehearse. Find rhyme in my words for now keep up my friend, keep singing, keep writing till you know me, till you remember me and can't find where the day ends.

Keep up my Friend
Keep up my friend, no matter what the day brings,
The etchings on the wall,
The ones that crumble and fall.

Start your day today, with a smile that you kept,
Like an old letter in your memory, that you can't erase,
Use up your will, use up your day, you are more than a song that for some time but plays.

Keep reminders of your heart, the brave soul that beats,
The ones that doesn't let go when you need.
The musings will be, of an old friend who stayed,
Who left letters and chocolates and maybe simply wishes your way.

You are no where if not here, you are listening to my song,
You are dancing with your eyes closed you are dancing along.
You are finding your fault, but you are fixing your day,
You are keeping yourself afloat as the hours pass away.

Keep drinking my friend, keep listening to the song,
You are nothing if not words, the ones you write when you are high,
Keep etchings on the wall they will will remind you of home,
They will carry you longer and they will fight your fight

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