
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 65: To the New Year Resolves

It is towards the very end, when we summarize bits and pieces of years , that we tend to draw lines between what was good and bad. The things that we know were meant to be completed, and some where we were glad that life left it incomplete. It is hard to know what that little tendency tells you very often, whether we collect the times we had a good laugh with friends, or about regrets that haunts you from time to time. For whatever be the reason, the resolves are often a part of what we hope or wish, or rather want to be, what we want to change about our lives, and sometimes even though rarely to hold constant something great in your life. And hence on the last day and first days alike of the year, on the fallen and the risen that stays with you, I write to the new year resolves, the aspirations of time, and the first writing of my year.

To the New Year Resolves
Do you like the feeling of a new book? A new chapter to read , a new page to turn?
An idea that lets you grow, lets you live life at its best, and lets you learn.
The chapters we get to write, the excitement of all but a beautiful resolve,
The puzzles in our head for once if they must, are the easy one, the ones we could all solve

We have summarized this year for long, in time frames, and posts and messages alike,
In decisions that we have taken, and in changes that we have brought on some nights,
We are a little bit of what we used to be, we haven't changed much in the past,
We have learned to grow up just for a while, we are looking for a way to make things last

The delicate paddles of time that ticks away, the endless traveler it bothers for no one,
It doesn't keep a track of itself, it doesn't count its steps , it knows not where it has begun.
For those who find warmth in their heart, on a cold winter day is all that it counts,
No promises made but the one to yourself, and the songs you could sing to yourself out aloud

To the new year resolves  I write today, the beauty of keeping something to yourself,
In knowing that it has all been planned, and in your own will you keep a wish to dwell
There are many a times this year, that I will write to no one but all of you,
But this year couldn't be without a farewell to the old,and hoping for the new

In yesteryear and in the landscapes of my mind,
Let me keep writing to you, let me give you a reason to read me again & to stay behind 

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