
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 77: Window Side

What would you like to do? She asked from the other side of the table.
I don't know , maybe just find the cafe I first went to, sit by the window and stare outside. Maybe just roam around in the hallways the same way as I used to , maybe learn how to dance for a change when no one is looking. She smiled back, I would just like to be able to do simple things again, find my way back home when I want to and reason with no one but myself.
           "We can all see, that which surrounds us, we feel that which changes us and we are sometimes lost in the familiar more than anything else"

Window Side
I will sit by the same place, the same seat the same cafe,
Where the smell of coffee fills the room, but it would still be okay
Where I could borrow a napkin and write to no one,
But yet smile every time, I would think out loud & when my writing is done.

I will still sit by the window side, the colors of the day change from time to time,
The hours pass like music that plays in a watch, the minutes they play at a constant rhyme
I write letters back and emails too, I think of the ways in which I talk back,
But my saved seat by my window side, gives me endless things to write along.

I trade stories with you, the ones you decide to tell, the ones I get to write,
The ones we both listen to, we follow along, the ones we feel as we laugh and sometimes cry
I sometimes feel the whole world wants a peaceful, a dream shared between between me and you,
And though we may not remember what they have been, at least some of us would wish it true

I will still sit by the same window pane, I will scribble without notice somehow,
I will learn how to dance, how to sing, how to play, even if only in my mind for now.
I find quiet writings that ties me down, sometimes more close to reality,
And in wherever you may think my words may fit, for now they are the best of me.

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