
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 103: Shelter from the Storm

Over the last couple of days I have seen a couple of my friends struggle with situations in their personal lives, working on not making a fool out of themselves and sometimes just hoping they won't regret the choices they make. They are brave though for taking the first step and taking the risk we all wish we could sometimes in life, and even if things don't always end up the way you liked it, at least you took the chance. It is in this great anticipation and anxious selves that I would like to offer this poetry as a way of telling them to take things easier sometimes and to comfort them when they need it. I hope we all find our shelters from the storms we face, and we keep taking chances anyways

Shelter from the Storm
We are all finding solid ground, our own shelter from the storm,
We are all finding a place to be, in places we hope we belong
Our choices some days are harder to make, and yet we are not weakened in mind and soul,
We are story tellers, and day dreamers and often born of a free will, as a story untold

And yet in the end of it all let me offer you a shelter from the storm,
Let me bring you home, to the "you" where you belong
Rest easy my friend some nights, sleep as though you have won,
You have made the choice today, the winnings and losses of the day are for none.

I was told there are no records, of the mistakes we think we made,
We are not given promises in life, no firm handshakes.
And yet tomorrow when I fly out to you, will my heart be the same?
Cause I will keep coming back over and over and make the same mistakes again.

I am your shelter from the storm , on a wet rainy day,
Your recluse from the things that have been there and some that got away.
You will always find a friend in between the thunder that speaks its mind
For now let me be the shelter from the storm, when you need a place to find

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