
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 115: Thoughts Misplaced

Yesterday night was about two very distinct realizations, one was the idea of saying something in written words when people attach a voice and tone to what is written and the warmth of sharing a staircase with friends, when it feels no time is too late and no tone can mar what the moment held. They are related because I realize how we assume tones with thoughts that are poured out in words. We assume roles if we know the other person or we must attach a tone in our head when we read it and in this chaos sometimes I feel the written thoughts are misplaced. We are better at finding that which is unknown and unheard of than spending time in knowing what comes as familiar to us sometimes. Is it the idea of being loud in our heads? Is it the slow readings we read when the dusk settles for a while, or whether it is the mellowed one when we are nostalgic. For now I leave my misplaced thoughts for you to find a tone to

Thoughts Misplaced
I have been asked to be careful sometimes,
To choose words that are someone else are a few that are mine
To be careful that I get them right, to sound perfect in written words,
And even though you can't hear me let me read you a verse

We are thoughts that have been misplaced, we are finding our way home,
We are meaningful when you are around, and meaningless when all alone
We are words in our heads that ramble on and on some days
Like the things we put on endless repeat, till they are memorized someways.

We are thoughts as we are, we are reminiscent of things and yet we come and go,
We are untraceable , untouchable and yet we are too real to be unknown
I have lost many a things, they have come and gone like hours of the day,
And yet some things have stuck around, they have changed me as they may

We are misplaced at times by others, we are forgotten beyond our wildest belief,
We weren't looking for promises, in warm memories we found what we need.
Don't worry about what it all means , conversations on the sides of stairs that lead nowhere,
For now we need for our thoughts misplaces , hoping they are somewhere right here. 

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