
Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 116: In Plain Sight

Today morning started with a thought about how we use often use words to disguise ourselves. The moments in our lives that are written down somewhere are but versions of  our experiences captured in keystrokes somewhere if not on pen and paper. Nevertheless the disguise from this world comes with a price, it keeps our true self still hidden somewhere , it allows us to grow sometimes and to be able to conform our world to what we think . Though a lot of these acts of random writings happen in disguise whether it is about bringing a smile to someone's face or making sense of a mad world, the most attractive thing is the disguise that lets us hide in plain sight. It is with this intention that I write to the idea of having thoughts and writings in plain sight and yet disguised in someway.

In Plain Sight
Sometimes we hide in our own disguise,
Places we have built in our head to our own surprise.
Where the things we cannot express lies hidden in words somewhere,
Where the world seems like a large game of hard truth or dare.

In our own disguise we find solace sometimes,
We become the best and most of what we can be.
We are drawn to things that only change within,
And yet all of the things that we hope sets us free.

We are hidden somewhere in the shallow lakes, in reflections wherever you can find,
Trapped in between the places I wish to go, and where the places I am somewhere on my mind
In between just all of this, when I will write you a song,
When I write with words that mean nothing to some, and yet will remind you of where you belong

Sometimes tonight when I lie in bed and you will close your eyes,
I will fall asleep and yet you will dream, even if I share this thought from a thousand miles.
I am destiny's child or no one's yet, I still speak of whatever comes to my mind,
The world keeps looking for the real me, while I will always hide in plain sight.

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