
Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 120: Wandering Goodbyes

An old friend joked with me a few days back whether I would write her a poem when she leaves from the US via New York. And though most of my writings are inspired by thoughts, actions and events sometimes direct request work just as fine. As you read this today or tomorrow as you head off I want you to remember a couple of things which includes the fact that there is a reason I hate saying goodbye, my goodbyes can sometime linger longer than the actual flight time. In any case there are reasons we all do it , we all appreciate friends and sometimes we miss them between all the craziness in the world. And they are our anchors and our sails they get us to stop when we need to and let us move time and time. In any case my dear friend find a warm farewell wrapped in pictures, memories and birthday cakes, in sharing secrets and knowing that nostalgia is just a thought away. If you are leaving somewhere this week , whether flying away someplace to meet people, I say welcome whatever may come with open arms. We rarely get to choose anything more than the flight tickets sometimes, the rest my dear ones are simply unknown, they are wandering goodbyes never gone.

Wandering Goodbyes
To the ramblings and singing on a stage,
To thoughts and memories that not even time can erase
To the improv I shared in time and again,
And a smile and shared each other's pain

Bidding goodbyes are often hard, they seem so real so permanent,
While we keep waiting sometimes, hoping this is all make belief, this is all pretend
When the tray tables are raised on your seat today, and you take wings instead
Fly with warm thoughts and memories that come as carry on in your head.

We are not lost in pictures somewhere, we are not in beginnings where we decide to meet,
We are in long hours walk, we are hours of talk and sometimes simple just standing on our feet
Do I often glimpse a part of me, when I wish you goodbye when I wish thee farewell
Will I challenge myself forever more, even if you are not here who will tell me tells

Dear wanderer of the night sky, as you take wings just look outside,
Am I standing somewhere on the ground? wishing you a safe journey & waving you goodbye?
We will be neighbors on the phone, on texts till the time we get to keep touch and write,
And even if we are lost just for a little bit, remember; we are just where we hit pause tonight.

P.S : Stay safe and wander further along

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