
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 119: Long Walk Home

Yesterday night was unlike most nights, a very old friend visited me. Probably after a year and as we stood there hoping that some things had actually changed and some hadn't, we laughed and took a walk together. We talked about what has changed in each others lives, while learning not be pushed back into back into the ugly bits of things. We have all learned much from friendships and relationships, from gain and loss and from certainty and knowing some things will disappear without a trace. We are often used to ideas of farewell and yet I still find something wrong actually bidding one. I summarize this in what I write today, it was a long overdue walk and an open hearted one. Somethings I know are chanced repetitions in life, we just don't get to choose when.

Long Walk Home
Sometimes all it takes is a long walk leading home,
When all seems like a second chance to nothing , just somethings long gone.
We are shadows who love to avoid the dark,
We are mysteries with changed lives, finding places to start

Sometimes we are a phone call away, sometimes in email replies,
We are no where if not somewhere, and yet we are not easy to find
Some will choose to disappear at will, a reason is not important sometimes
Because a reason begs a question that is left unanswered it is left behind.

We are yesterday at best, we like to think of ourselves as good memories,
We put times to things we can't control, watch it change as it could be
We jot down a date sometimes, when we feel much time has passed,
And I keep thinking to myself, do we get to know the right questions to ask?

A long walk home is all we need sometimes, whether yours or mine it matters no more,
It has changed not a single bit, and yet it doesn't feel like it used to before
We have changed quite a bit, we give reasons to make ourselves feel better again,
And the long walks we once took, are lost in random chance, in finding sanity in the insane

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