
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day 357: Sketches Here

I always feel that our notion of carrying memories are similar to when we travel to conferences with posters, locked in poster tubes. Wrapped somehow as we carry them in our mind. The idea was that the poster tubes they grow and we keep sketching and drawing new things onto the canvas. We trace walks we took, we think of moments we share and probably find inspiration scribbled somewhere. As I wrap up one of the conference here in Boulder, I keep thinking about this staring at my very own poster tube. In the hope of more things I keep writing, maybe adding a few thoughts of my own to the days that pass by. The airport windows loom with sunshine and yet it feels just a little cold as though the city waves goodbye.

Sketches Here
My poster in the tube it lay
I watched the sun flickering on and off
I kept wondering about things to say
And hoping some will get through to the top

I was moving around in bed sheets
Hoping a few more hours of the day I would cheat
While the sunlight grows stronger for now
It escapes outside my window somehow

These pencil sketches of people that I know
Some who remember me and some I will draw
As relentless as my travels may seem
I have yet to go these places where I may have once been

Rest for now my friend you have come home
Or maybe just places you don't feel alone
While the rest of us come and go
There are some who leave traces you don't even know 

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