
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 91: Miami on my Mind

Over the last two years, I have felt that every trip I make to Miami; has in some way influenced the way I think about a memory. And though my first trip down there was a hard one, coming back to it always seems to get easier and easier with time. Miami on my Mind is a quick reference to something I once read at the back of a car, and though I may have changed the reference I feel I have much to learn from these trips. There is often warmth when you least look for it, and in the places least looked

Miami on my Mind
When it is warm outside and yet the day feels too lazy to start,
When the world has been stitched together in conference rooms, before we fly apart
When the stranger and voices seem familiar , like comfort talks from home
As we have stepped outside , and stepped ahead to places that are long gone

I fly back and forth to you my dear, I hold the door open for the sunshine to fill my day,
I have come too far, and too many a times, and yet I have more to learn as I come your way.
Do I fall for the sunset that fills the sky? the blue ocean waves that surrounds you ,
Or the wind that I find but crisp at times, that walks me home but slowly too.

I have not let the walk back home disappoint me, the drinks I share when the day but ends,
When there are more roads to go, more adventures and sometimes just more stories where I don't need to pretend.
I have lived many a lives in the flights back and forth, I have dreamed my way in quite a few,
I have collected the morning sunshine as we fly for a while, and yet keep coming back to you

On my mind are traces of this place, every little thing that has come and gone,
And every time I wanted a story told,about the places where I once thought I didn't belong.
We have made strides, we have learned from each other still,
We have painted a sunset with you on my Mind, and we have left a few for time to fill. 

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