
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 92: My Homeless Mind

Every once in a while the world will disappoint you just a little bit. When the world will make you think twice before doing something nice for someone and though you are disheartened only for a little while, it will feel like you have taken a small beating . Today was just one of those days when everything starts out early before the brink of sunlight even reaches your window pane and before you know it, your day just keeps getting busier. There are often times in between all of this when I feel like the homeless man , this thought came to me as we drove across the streets and someone handed us a flyer so I am also writing to include this as a message for him and from him. For now I write to my homeless mind , the one that never feels like coming home.

My Homeless Mind
There are times when my mind and my heart,
Doesn't want to come home at night, doesn't want to hit restart.
They wander along alleyways and thoughts of someone else's mind,
They are lost in the crowd and sometimes harder to find

My homeless mind reminds of places, the spaces of my head I rarely go,
The places I have may have written about in fiction, and in real life I rarely know.
I may have lost many a battles, I may have given up sometimes,
But at the end of the day , with bruises and cuts still I was left with my heart and mind.

There are those will go about their day, who have somehow learned to stand up straight,
Who show no scars no worries, and not even a single fret that lines their face.
There are some who have come from the tired day, taken refuge in gentle smiles,
Who have learned to be home in places with no address, and in whatever places they can find

We have all learned to cheat, even if just a little bit,
We have learned to wait in the back of the line and sometimes to simply take a seat.
My homeless mind wanders day in and day out, it finds no reason to come back home,
Even if it knows where home is for once, it just can't seem to find a place where it belongs.

Here's also the link I was talking about, the inspiration for the first writing this week

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