
Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 94: Cloudy

Cloudy days have been written about in songs and poems alike, they have been romanticized, they have been blamed and sometimes they have just been captured in a picture somewhere. There is someone who once said "open you windows and let the cloudiness come in " , though I am not sure till date what that really meant the idea of being able to capture clouds was fascinating. And as the emptiness of spring break draws to a near end the days feel just a bit more mellow, so I write to the cloudy and the sunshine, I write to the welcoming and the good bye, I write to all but a cloudy sky.

There have been days that are a bit mellowed in their place,
Where listening to raindrops is all I want to do, and the rainbows I let you chase
We have figured out the way a cloudy day should feel,
Wrapped in a blanket staring outside a window, and in secrets we reveal

We are tired souls from time to time, we doze off in between the day,
We are restless ones ,we are dreamer but we only dream as we lay awake
Cloudy days of March end this year, reminders of many things that have changed,
Some have been long forgotten somewhere and then there are few that have rearranged.

I feel mellow in the yesteryear, and yet ends and beginnings of week somehow feel the same,
The anxious mind that goes on endless loops, and shares a drink with a world that feels insane
I feel the windy day roaring for a while and yet resting in the morning hue,
It sleeps for a while, the clouds shifts barely a bit, I look for peeks of blue

I write to the cloudy day outside, and yet to sunshine that grazes me just for while,
I write to all who have looked everywhere, in hope for just a little bit of smile
We are magicians in our own realm, if you can pull a smile out of thin air,
If sunshine is all you need on cloudy days, you will find me when I am needed there.

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