
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 97: Moment too Far

There are moments when we all welcome something with no complains, when it is passing by and we welcome it with kindness and sometimes even with a little delight. In time we learn to embrace this passing of things in between our lives, these transitional moments; which we may or may not decide to keep. And the more we collect in our memory, the more we live our lives in these moments. We are far from adventurers, but we are seekers, We are far from travelers, we are wanderers and we are far from writers we are doodlers of words. And yet it is in this imperfect self we reminisce , we live and celebrate

Moment too Far
Not a moment too soon , we are the reminisced kind, we are in memories too far,
We have moved beyond the boundaries we dream of, so we wonder who we are
We are wanderers to our own delight, we have traveled back and forth in time,
We have held a light to some memories, and then some that we forget, some that were unkind

Not a moment too soon my fellow wanderer, your maps are drawn but you don't follow anymore,
You have been lost too many a times, to stay on course like every before
You have found out that the rough seas and high tides where we sometimes set sail,
Are gestures we make to ourselves, reminders that some grander things in our minds prevail.

The language may have died with time, the music faded and forgotten still,
But your stories are more than alive, they are beyond memories and fantasies that feeds the will,
In time when we decide to write them down, as I sometimes wish we would do,
I wonder if we could reminisce, recollect or write a few version of our own too?

Moment too far may pass ones mind, after all who decides what is far away?
Who questions that which is forgotten, and who else can access your memories someday?
I may not write to fiction today, though in time the stranger things in life come and go,
Yet a moment too far , is kept in writings who choose to write and some in our shelves are stowed.

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