
Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 344: Unwinding Down

These periods of warmth and cooling down seems confusing at best, when all you want to do is crawl back into bed, sit with a cup of hot choclate and maybe read. If that picture is making you hungry enough, think of the smell of coco filling up the corners of your face, and your glasses they fog up. Imagine sharing something warm in the cold outside, whether they maybe nothing more than simple thoughts that I may write about. They maybe inspiration over the fading sunlight, they maybe a long walk home waving goodbye. You are tired too I know, waiting for instructions from your heart your mind, come rest for a bit, maybe just for a little Unwind.

Unwinding Down
These flowers in the winter days, they refuse to bloom
So I write all morning and into the passing afternoon
I grab another slice of life that comes in a box
Instructions not included so I easily get lost

I am wishing for a warmer place and you are somewhere too
Keeping at the things both you and I need to do
Staring up from the faint glow of my white and blue screen
Asking the hours as the day it fades, no matter where I have been

I stare at my phone and then quickly back to work I go
Maybe you have written to me, I am curious to know
But in the wind she blows and "Chicago" plays in my head
I am sleepy in bits and pieces and my eyes are quietly tired red

I am time periods we listen to, stuck in maybe the "Holocene"
It is present day after all, right here where we have been
Listen to the wind outside and keep coming back as you need
In imperfect ways write something only you and I can read

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