
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 351: Fading Light

So though the sun was setting at its own pace, the little glimmer of the light came into my room meant I was following it through the spaces between the window shutters. It was chasing the fading light as the day got longer and wishing for more hours every single day. I have not written for quite a few days now, trying hard but being pushed and pulled with to do lists every single day. I tell myself this should not feel like work, it should still feel like writing, as simple as that. Fading light discusses the idea of our love for contrast and the capability of finding something in all its aspects. As I slowly begin to feel a little better again, I want to capture the fading light as though trying the insane.

Fading Light
I have left the planning and telling of tales
Embraced the wind as I have sometimes set sail
Been clear as the day sky and cloudy too
Rained as the hours pass and sky turned back blue

For I have sailed these winds that blow
Seen parts of me that I do not show
For some things lie uncaptured as it must
I may have lost faith at times but not your trust

In the in between of things little known
I will learn from these pieces that help me grow
While the rest remains unplanned in my mind
Waiting for instructions that it hopes to find

Be just like this wind tonight
Not troubled by the fading light
So that these little things in the day remain
Like loose pages of a book on the floor as they lay

But embrace too; the dark
With its marching half,
The promise of a new light
An excuse to blaze a new path
Catch new winds and write new lines

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