
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 349: By Now

The idea of shared time is unique in some ways, it is independent of planned attempts at being together since these can be moments in your thoughts. While we all get to experience this and wish for it, it is in fiction that is often inspired by real life, that we get to experience it. We get to blur the lines between these notions of fiction and fact and get to relive a few in our heads. Whether we change our comprehensions of things as they are right now, these times that I do not possess are yet alive just like me and written like the rest.

By Now
By now you and I must know
That some things must move & flow
Like ripples in a lake in still waters too
These are things that change for me & you

I seem to be able to hear the dog whistles for now
I am listening intently to unspoken things somehow
They are written in my diaries as I turn the page
They are living free of time and age

By now you must know that I write these songs
Keeping alive the memory of lyrics that are gone
I find solace in humming them during the day
As do you somehow, in the back of your head

You and I on some mornings at home
Will share a cup of coffee together, while being alone
While some will say these are fictions we write
Sharing space and time but only in our mind

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