
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day 321: Night & Day

Sometimes all you need to do is believe that in the absence of plans you can find inspiration profound, you can find freedom when you need it the most, you can find happiness where you least expect it. We are expensing them bit by bit and losing track. We are no longer in the business of making sense of everything around us, We are systems without purpose sometimes, driftwood on the shore of the river bank. As we see the love affair between the day and night, we ca't help but ponder how much we get to remember from all this.

Night & Day
This is me writing from one of my escapes
At beginning of it all or maybe the end of days
And whatever is poured into my glass
The spirit of the night, that was meant to last

They make music from nothing more than thin air
As though the night & day are bound by a love affair
The breaks in between causes even time to slow
For the unscripted bits of life, they go as they may go

Hour long or hour short, whatever the day may be,
Why I sit between a crowd & think of writing poetry
While the basement with imagination seems to come alive
As I move again and again between places & into the night

The host of things that change slow for me now
Some in my imagination and some real life somehow
As I toast another glass and speak of & with words
I capture my night in poetry and in my last verse

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