
Friday, February 26, 2016

Day 329: Don't Spend Me

Don't spend me all, we are things that rise and fall in each other's life, in time as we make things right or maybe we make more mistakes. Maybe we will rectify the things that need fixing for now, we are scattered brain and maybe we are figuring out how. This one is written with just that thought in time, as I keep moving, I see things I move away from and things I move towards. Maybe I am too attached to things I lay claim, I keep making the same mistakes. You read the prelude in the hope of a clue and I keep trying to not rhyme. It isn't funny anymore till we have grown out of space, while I like for a new white board , somethings even time can't erase. Don't spend me I say, keep me wrapped some days, as I heal hoping never to be the same. I am looking for solace in the places I can still be, just imperfect at best, changing just enough of "me".

Don't Spend Me
Don't spend me all; now, I am not easy to come by
I am in every attempt that you make & every time I try
And the doors and windows are silent witnesses to me
While I try to crack the walls to somehow break free

Don't listen to me, but just try if you can
I am lines you draw and erase on wet and dry sand
Follow through to places, where ever you need to be
You are right where you started, with or without me

Don't keep me too close, like the last bits of things you hold
I am worth something to you, till the point I am sold
I am loose change in your pocket, in the sounds that I make
Writing about right from wrong, about my own mistakes

I am just a phase if you are ready to believe,
Just a moment in your life, getting ready to leave
Paper boats they never travel back home
Spend me just enough, lest maybe I am all gone

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