
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 325: Patchwork Life

I have not written in quite a few days as I have been travelling non stop. Though I know not whom I must apologize about it but I feel nonetheless that I should. There are times during my travels I get a chance no matter how rare to meet up with lost friends and people who define you in someway. I think of these meetings as pieces of a giant patchwork we keep creating. Whether they are about meeting up for a cup of coffee, as time stands still and someone queues in the music, everything else just feels like a tape on rewind. We get to live these memories some bits that you remember and some that I do, and together these stories we stitch. Patchwork Life is that story telling I experience and experienced in the past and even today as I find these pieces among lost time, thank you for that.

Patchwork Life
Think of loud things these tones that don't fade away
Voices in your head that are here to stay
And as we paint the sky red and the night blue
Just be yourself, whatever that means to you

The patchwork me and patchwork you we create
We come together in moments that memories can't satiate
The bookends of these chapters that on napkins we write
How we have managed to come far, in time our feelings survived

These glasses we pour some nights, as the hours take a bow
I answer to no one, and no one seems to question me for now
We will define that which we get to keep & that which we write
We am patchworks etched onto a part of this night

Come decide who you want to be, much has yet to be defined
The stories are far from being complete, if you keep hitting rewind
The bits and pieces of things we write, I know they are imperfect
Let the glue dry on the patchwork we make, in time it will set

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