
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 332: Such Is

Once in a while I feel that the greatest distances aren't on the outside or even in the world that we see but on the inside somewhere in the back of the mind. It is the ones we often cannot seem to quantify or measure, one we cannot explain. They are divides and yet they seem to connect more people than we know, they are inspirations lost somewhere. In time as I fly back and forth again and again I keep thinking of these distances that keeps us connected even thousands of miles away and some that keeps us apart even in the same room. Here's to the perfect start to the irrational and the things we cannot explain, some that have moved in our lives and some that have in time remained. Take a trip today

Such Is
Such is the divide between you and I
Between all we could keep & some that are left behind
Such are the memories, in secrets they conspire
They are nostalgia, imperfect but always admired

Such is the impatient pace of my thoughts in my mind
That these questions I cannot seem to leave trailing behind
They are footprints that seem to follow me home
They are things that don't quite seem to leave me alone

Such is the way in which things move on even if we stay
When we are troubled looking for our very own way
How we have found the normal and yet in our mind feel insane
Loosing sleep as we keep traveling over & over again

Such is the plight of the often misunderstood
Who claim to be a part of the world and remain aloof
They are tired by all measure of the heart & the mind
Waiting to be lost in all the craziness of the world you find 

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