
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 337: Instance Life

I think at the end of the day when I slide that key and unlock my door, there are a few thoughts that come to my tired mind. Some which are just summaries and list of things to do, some about pauses I forgot to take and some about the last bit of things that are yet to be completed. I think of life as instances sometimes, the random ones no one cares about, the ones that happen unannounced. As I stitch a few of these together I find an instance life, some that are about the mundane captured bit by bit. I like to believe sometimes the hardest thing to capture are the simple ones. So I share these instances in writing

Instance Life
The grocery bag on the floor they lay
I had much to do, much more to say
Too much to text to you, too much to write
A little too much to fit over a coffee cup fight

I am drinking alone among crowds I don't know
Hoping to write life as though plots of a show
The picture frames on the bar they are but inclined
So it bothers me just a little among sanity I hope to find

I am cold things kept and forgotten in the microwave
Maybe reminders to tell me if I just ate
I am still organized but it seems, only in my head
Writings stories to myself from the other side of my bed

I am these instances, I remember in every paragraph
I am painting pictures and writing books on someone else's behalf
While the twist and turns in which the storyteller hides
Becomes reality as I face it every day and in my own true life

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