
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 338: Come Dance

"Would you like to go try out dancing?", quite an unusual request I might add considering it was 10 in the night and like every other thing in my life I pursue with pure curiosity, I didn't plan on thinking about it too much. Imagine dancing in a studio with no one , just a glass window by your side and the night sky with the moon slowly peeking inside. You move and learn and sway, and in time, all these actions slowly become a dance. Take the story as simply as they come sometimes, there are no better examples of transformations of random steps to dances. I find solace in the wonder and surprise in just that much for now.

Come Dance
Come carry me into the night the evening it sways
It asks me for things I don't want to give away
In some decisions, that was never ours to make
I will find just this much, whatever I can take

Come dance with me in the middle of the night
Turn off your phone, put it out of your sight
Some stories are better told in the rhythms of how we move
I look for what is instead of what can be and what could

Come into the night maybe sometimes unannounced
I am refusing to make plans just for now
These rainy days or winter days that don't leave
While you wait with your sketchbook for spring to begin

Come as you may, take these steps to and fro
We are dancing alone into the night in a dance studio,
While the lights outside they change with the passing of cars
Nothing remains constant, except this nostalgia of who we are

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