
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day 340: Come Write me a Song

How hard can it be to write a song? Is is the lyrics that make it complicated, the ones that are supposed to fit and rhyme or is the music or tune that we hope to find. Maybe I am kidding myself, maybe it is really challenging to write one to begin with but then I think some of the best songs have been written over nothing at 3 am in the morning. Even if these never go off the sheets and into reality, why wouldn't we try to write one and set it free. So come write me a song, something borrowed from everything around.

Come Write me a Song
These buttercup lyrics up and about
Songs that are stuck in your head for now
I sing and you whistle & we may write in between
Lyrics to a song no one has read or even seen

Come loudly if you may, like tunes of a saxophone
Come quietly if you can, in your mind when alone
Just know that it is easy to write sometimes & somedays
They are just random thoughts that somehow got away

Come write me a song one which somehow even rhymes
We will sing a phrase or two and then we will hit rewind
Make adjustments and fine tune whatever needs to be
Just write a chorus if you must, and just put it on repeat

These choices of words I make, I scribble them all down
On the back of a napkin somewhere lost for now
While we draw labels of the unreleased albums in our head
Come write me a song or just sing along with me instead

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