
Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 339: Drunk with Words

Think of it this way, if writing was an obsessions, if it was a glass of tall drink you couldn't keep down,what would you do. I think of this as getting drunk with words, finding something in things we read, listen or even write. These meaningful snippets of what makes sense and how we pour these words out into glasses retaining bits of memories and nostalgia for the few. I am fascinated with the human interaction as I keep drinking and getting drunk on words. I find myself scribbling often to every surface possible as I keep digging for more, I keep writing for now albeit running a little late.  

Drunk with Words
So have we played well? Are we all done, 
Drunk with words and finding out what we have become
So have we kept our feet grounded? and somehow found escape
In the middle of the night find our escapades

Have we told stories as close to truth as we can be
Or are we writing versions of what we believe is reality
They are things that fit nice, that may somehow make sense
Yet the best of things we recollect, when we don't have to pretend

So we are drunk with words, we choose to be
Because we look for rhyme and yet wish to be free
We write day in and day out, whereever we can
We write more than we can read but in a life span

We are question on the loose and in the answers that we chase
We are in memories that we desperately hope never gets erased
While the forgetful few will look for nostalgia in a verse
I keep drinking more and more & getting drunk on these words

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