
Monday, September 7, 2015

Day 220: I am

The idea of writing to self is like an exercise in introspection only inside out. The idea that we can write to ourselves instead of just reflecting upon things is fascinating because it treats "you" the mind which is writing separate from the one that is reading and interpreting. The difference being the time between which you read it over again to yourself and the meanings will change. I am my own choices, wrapped somewhere in the days I let go by and at this moment I am what I decided to write about. This duality is explored and I hope it relates differently , with new meaning every time you read it.

I am
I am there till the voice in your head
Decides it's own way to go, to get ahead
Don't let your hours, be so finely defined
Be coarse sometimes, be harder to find

I am here till the restless thoughts have settled down
Till the city maps have led me to unknown places of this town
You don't have to always know, where you want to go
Just carry along this way, find your own pitch black road

I am faces of a coin, a puzzle in a tool shop slowly being made
I am cloudy skies on a hot summer afternoon when you look for shade
Try the things that don't always add up anyways
Chances are you will get the answers in between some that got away

I am still the resolve you promise to yourself
Places you have been and wherever your mind dwells
I am there till the sandbox games have yet all been played
Being written on sides of imagination, when a lot more has to be said

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