
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 230: Sometimes

Sometimes the most random acts make more sense than everything else that has been planned for, the notion that meaning must come from things we expect changes at these times. They are strong moments as they make you think of and realize how much changes without doing a single thing. I feel like these moments, are like components, and pieces we need from time to time. The bare earth truth about how our writings are sometimes what follows you for a long time as meanings is what encircles me for a while today. I leave you with words and hope for the best.

Sometimes all we can be, are band-aids
We are without judgement over mistakes
Without worries of what has been undone
We are freshly brewed day which has only begun

Sometimes all we can be; are random sticky notes
We don't take sides at all, and yet somehow manage to vote
We care between that which passes as a day
Because the rest is memory that is paused & played

Sometimes the evening summaries are simply about home
About places, we begin new & yet those where we belong
In many languages that we do not speak & yet communicate
We love the warm hugs and sometimes work with handshakes

Someday when things have been translated in more than a plan
We are what we are what we can be and I am what I am
Wish you could see this day end, as the sunlight mellows
As I walk beside you in my words & the meanings they follow.

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