
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day 226: Between Lines

I was teaching a class about maps and lines today and at the end it all I kept thinking about these lines that don't touch each other, they never meet. They contain so much and control so much on these beautiful maps. I kept going back to the analogy of these lines in our real lives where are concerned about drawing within the lines, fitting within contexts. Even coloring where we know we should and leaving the rest. I asked myself about this imaginary lines in real life sometimes, our fears and strengths alike, our connections and disconnections alike. For whatever may keep us going places, I am hoping we get to draw and scribble somewhere outside our lines.

Between Lines
We are somewhere, right here, in between the lines
We are in between remains of what is left behind
Holding hand in hand, but colors don't fit anymore
We are songs that we try to sing again, just like before

Don't hold me so tight, don't color within the lines
Just look for whatever you wish for & some that you hope to find
I have seen reminders of  crisp warm air in my summer blues
As I write of stories that I hope you will follow through

Tell me at odd times about the places where we go
Words that were left in the back of our head, some that we borrow
I am writing of songs, deconstructed on a page
Left incomplete, without music sheets and not even a date

Have you thought who I am in between hours of the day
I can only write so much, as you read more of me away
As my whimsy sets itself free, it writes its own rhyme
Are you still looking for me, in meanings between the lines?

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