
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Day 224: Someday

Some days writing about the past is more than reminiscing in between the passive nature of what has passed, it is about being comfortable about it. It is finding a rational compromise between what we choose to remember clearly and what may seem a little hazy in our memory. In between all of this I feel the need to make new memories is still strong. As I see it our memory (the new ones) grow younger as we make more of them and time as it passes away grows older. It is a constant balance between the two that keeps us wishing for some days, the ones that we do remember. The ones that we write, cherish and hold dear sometimes. 

Someday I too will fade, like sunset on your shoulders
I will be written in shades over & under the clouds
I will not be kept closed in neat pages and in between folders
I will be hidden somewhere underneath the day's shroud

There are some who will change reality,
In the only way they know and in the only way they could be
And between paintings on my walls that survive
I will find a corner to scribble on, one that remains both yours & mine.

Someday I too will get drunk, on bottled words in conversations at night
I too will stand on the edge and somehow forget how to decide
In pleasure and pain as I write sometimes with no disguise
I feel the best of things are poured on papers & walls, hidden in plain sight

Someday I too will come back to a friend
To places where the road leads me, ones with no end
I will find comfort and warmth with a cherished soul
As new memory will get younger and as time will grow old

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