
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 229: False Sugar

It is rare to get ideas from pure inanimate objects without a context. Yet once in a while we are inclined towards finding such meanings where there are none. Today's idea came from sugar packets that lay on my table, added sweeteners and things that could change the taste of what I was having. At some point as I sat there swirling my tea bag around, I kept thinking about moments when we add the same to our lives. These packets of short term and long term things that often come with an aftertaste we remember so well. This false sugar since they were not natural in anyways led me to write today's piece and though it may be inspired from the simplicity of having a taste packed somewhere, it is inclined more towards an undying need not be blended with everything that comes our way.

False Sugar
False sugar packets on my table they say
Remind me of sweet things as they dissolve away
They swirl in my morning tea or late at night
As my sweet toothed self, looks for memories in sight

We are all sweetened just a little bit some days
From smiles that don't give much away
Because we are not contained in packets up for grabs
Neither dissolved or diluted in the time that we had.

The false sugar packets on my table still lay
I am not adding them to my long gone day
For some bitter-sweet tastes in the back of my head
Are warm reminders of who I am & could be instead

The real tastes of the things that come & go,
Some that we get to keep & some we never show
I blend my tea into a warm cup of water, my tea bags sway
I refuse to change my taste for now, as the sugar packets lay.

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