
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Day 231: Follow

Some days are about finding the restless trapped in walks to nowhere. There are contexts without a goal, they are journeys without destinations in our mind. We follow these thoughts that are misplaced somewhere, kept on pages that are held somewhere, in unbound books, pages or even walls posted. This sense of following something is rooted with the gut feelings we have. Even if we end up being stranded with no shelter, we are risk takers and makers of fate, we are storytellers who are not afraid of capturing changes on a page. We follow feelings we pour every day, who are we to be afraid?

Come to me like a morning dream
One where I remember what I have seen
Where the things I do are the things I know
Come, walk with me, simply follow

Come, ask me questions, ask me about right & wrong
I will not count the days, or remind you of time so long
For we are renamed hours that change feelings in the day
Some that dissolve and yet some that are here to stay.

Follow through the little things, you may be some days
Looking for comfort in every possible way
When walk back home are longest hours somehow
There are packages unwrapped on my door, waiting to be returned somehow

Come, be indifferent and yet just the same
Somehow stuck in time, as though nothing has changed
There are some things I keep too close among the ones I show
I read endless poetry and in some meanings you follow.

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