
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 132: Collecting Stories

I have been thinking about stories a lot, finding that amusement at certain times of the day go beyond merely cheering you up in busy times. They are about facing the best and worst in us, they are about finding the little things we don't tell people, our fears that haunt us and our inspirations that guide us. Even if these may be mere comic strips on the side of a page, or archived in neat library books they make you realize the importance of collecting these short giving, musings and stories. I have never found a more apt way to summarize sometimes than to not use a single word while doing so. In my case I am just writing to collecting these anecdotes of memories that remains with you.

Collecting Stories
We are sometimes like pots of honey in a cartoon strip I used to read
Or sliding down the hills outside , hoping we make the fall we didn't need
We are born from wherever maybe, comic strips on the sides of newspapers today
Or a collected version of what used to be, little anecdotes about life put someway

We are collecting stories here, some that may or may not live by
Some that have been translated on a page and some are up for grabs if you try
Scribbling on the side of napkins still, pages with doodles that run through the wall
And our handwriting that covers some scrapbooks and memories that refuse to fade at all

We are characters at best, we are Calvin and Hobbes, we are Winnie the Pooh
We are known for things we have learned and thought, & sometimes for that which we do
Oh wandering heart, my willow tree, my collections of archived books
My neatly folded memories are often in the places where I have rarely looked

We are collecting stories today, the ins and out of what makes them great
And then there are some that are unwritten, waiting to be penned for someone to create
I collect stories from those around, who have walked with me on unknown ground
And there are some stories that like loose pages of a book are waiting to be found.

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