
Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 138: Romanticized lives

"..Do all things with love, but don't romanticize life like you can't survive without it." This idea of romanticizing sections of our life is not new, whether it is about the way we do our work, whether it is something you expect from the people around you, or sometimes pure romance which you believe has fairy tale endings. I have realized that this is not a new phenomenon, that we have been trying to find what we call "ideal" for a long time now. Our idea of an ideal condition test, an ideal world, a rational decision maker seems to be ever more elusive in theory than a lot that talks about conditional ideals, the things that some things come and go based on other variables. So here's one dedicated to the idea of Romanticized lives, which though awe inspiring may fall just a bit short of ideal endings and are yet one of the most aspiring things worth working towards.

Romanticized lives
Our own selves at best are likes parts of a symphony that plays
That was written on sheet music where it might still decide to stay
For the beauty of the echoes of what was one heard
Is but romanticized in your memory, in your very own words

Did we forget the classics we read sometimes?
And yet hurry back to remember the characters in our mind
We have romanticized a few who capture our fancy for days
And some we have been too real to let go in some ways.

Our endings to the day, or musings of the evening still
When we are captured by a thought, while hoping thoughts could be distilled
We are written down in diaries, in narrations that only few read
And yet we hope we got it all right, we are too busy to pay heed

Don't try for the perfect world, don't try for the ideal in everything around
Because some of the best music are in your nostalgia, as your memory unwound
We will imperfect in our own accord, we are travelers who look for things that don't let you sleep
The romanticized bits and pieces of our lives, the better & bitter ones we get to keep

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