
Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 145: Shared Poetry

I wonder if it is simple in someways to think that poetry even though your own is created by the shared experiences, shared thoughts and shared emotions. These are not random pieces that are born out of thin air, it would be hard to conceive of such a plan. For today I write to this idea of sharing things, I share my writing with so many in some way, and as I write with new topics I draw from them, the reactions that feeds me sometime helps me write. For now I think we create shared poetry, the ones I get to write sometimes. I have moments of epiphany with words and phrases I feel fit perfectly in a line, and so some of the ones that I do remember I get to keep them close, and in poetry I make them just a little bit mine. Keep writing back to me, keep telling me of things that mean something to you, for now let's write simple and share poetry.

Shared Poetry
I leave it all to you today,
The words that are written down in poetry
I let you guide what I get to write someday
In simple words, I will still write from memory

Together we will share a thought,
Like cups of tea that cools down after a while
Together we will finds meaning where we sought
As we decide what to and what not to write.

I come to you as you come to me,
In nothing more than simple poetry
And even if the world seems to look upon us with disbelief
I want us to write with just this need for simplicity

After a while as we wander on our ways
I wrote on and wrote about every single day
Because the "you" are so many who are around, you are with me
A friend, a guide, a nostalgia and sometimes a shared poetry

I will let you guide my words today
For there are too few of them, to tell stories or things we want to say.

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