
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Day 136: Silent Ears

We are all in need of silent ears sometimes, those with whom we share our lives without complexities, without judgement and with no questions asked. These can be strangers on a train, friends and allies. These can be remnants of chats that we once had with people and sometimes we get to play the opposite role. We get to become these wanderers who listen and fade into the soul of others, who are demigods in their own way because I know nothing more powerful than sharing your story to ease something. For wherever you may find such souls, treasure them , value them and most importantly if given a chance be one of them. Here's to the silent ears.

Silent Ears
We are sometimes in awe of those who lend a silent ear
Who have gone through the day, the week with much to endear
Who have sat patiently on road side, on chat boxes or text messages sometimes
And yet managed to listen all the same, even if the world was unkind

We are all in search of these wanderers, those who come from lands of no return
Who have known too much, who have heard of the world
                                            and carry something they can't be unlearned
I have found them when I would sit down to write, in summaries to people I do not know
I write to these wandering ears, as everyone gets to read what I cannot show.

The silent ears sometime finds a way to inspire those who need it the most
Who have played with trysts in destiny and believe future is whatever they chose
I think somewhere where the hero lies, in stories that have been told too loud
The unsung ones were the ones who lay till the end of it all, some who stuck around

In whatever language that I may choose to write, your character remains so bold
The silent ear who listened to it all, are still silent amidst all the stories that are told
I am grateful at times to those who can learn and forget, even better who remember me
Because I am one of these wanderers collecting stories, and setting some thoughts free

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