
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 239: Misunderstood

It is easy to be misunderstood and easier to be passionate about making things right. But in between these attempts at making sense of a chaotic world I think about all the bits and pieces that are being fixed without need. All the changes that are being made in the world and this night that may be misunderstood stays close by without a single peep or sound. It follows along and sometimes when it is not looking or paying attention, I will find my escape, I will write this to you. This is on a pensive mood, on a downhill day that comes and goes. The ends of the hours keep adding on when no one cares and no one knows. I am misunderstood at best, kept for someone to find, till then I will pretend I will try to find you a rhyme.

There are pieces that are wrong & right
That don't fit anymore or anywhere tonight
O cry me a river, a stream or a rain
I stand on dry land, away from the shade

Four lines that I write in the hope of rhyme
I have not gotten away with calling anything as mine
For we are mellowed in music and singed in evening tea
Clear among the chaos that comes back home with me

Why stand there miss? you understand these misunderstandings tonight
When you and I in the back rows of the world, seem to have our own fight
As we appreciate this world in what we call as fine taste
I sit with my legs crossed and yet ready to leave, almost as though in haste

Why write at all some night? they tell me it must be kept bound
Instead, I write things that wander in everyone's life, it comes & goes around
I am often misunderstood, heard of when I wouldn't want to be heard
Unpaused and unplayed sometimes, as meanings in my mind, take birth

I escape your thoughts tonight, let me go, let me leave
O what an entangled world we live in, and misunderstandings we weave
I am quiet for a while tonight, till we meet again my friend
I am auctioned away writings, for now they belong to me, that's all I pretend

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