
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Day 243: Color me Red

Over the past couple of days, there have been moments where reading the news was looking at the bare face of humanity and desperation. Whether it was from pictures of children in Syria to the aftermath of a nonviolent protest in Ankara, Turkey. My connection to all these places are real, in close ties to people, they are not just pit stops I made. In the aftermath of the blast in Turkey over 100 people lost their lives while protesting with nothing more than words that flooded the streets. Orhan Pamuk a Turkish author once wrote, “Books, which we mistake for consolation, only add depth to our sorrow. ”  I write poetry to the red, that flows with no distinction, the thought that crosses over and the quiet streets that haunt many for now. I hope you find solace, I hope you find comfort, Görüşmek üzere.

Color me Red
Color me red as though nothing changes or will change
As I pick up the pieces from the hours of the day that remains
I am someone's memories written in chapters of a book
Lost in places I can no longer find, where I can no longer look

I am cries sometimes, the silent ones, you hear me in pictures tonight
I am the one who stays quiet somehow, I refuse to use words to write
I am roses on the graves, I am the last words that some may say
I am the petals that fall to ground, waiting to be colored red

We will make no mistakes, we will fall to the ground & rise again
We will live in memories & look for sanity anymore among the insane
There is much that was lost in the aftermath of this day
Those who have written and spoken to the world, from places of pain

Heal my friend, my well-wisher, my meaning today
We are just as restless, as ever before & as time moves away
But remember me in quiet dreams you dream as you lay in bed
I have lost nothing to the world, the world seems to have lost me instead

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