
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day 253: October Rain

Sometimes the changing colors of the leaves are reminders of the moods and situations we are in, different colors and in different ways our own lives as though painted on small canvases. But as they fall to the ground and as it rains, they are all equal, they are all drenched in the October rain they fall to the ground and on the floor. They are reminders of many places where people go to heal, they remain quiet for a long time without the world expressing its need. So on a quiet and a colder cloudy day, I write stories about that which is the October rain.

October Rain
My window tells me so many stories every day
About colder wind that follows the rain
Leaves that fall to the ground that crumple at my feet
I am quiet thoughts & words that the world seems to heed

Are you healing somewhere too, are you looking for more?
Have you found your way back home, just like before?
Without directions that you need, without maps on your mind
You are still in the straight direction, easy for the world to find.

October rain why do you pour down so slow?
Are you hoping we wouldn't notice, we wouldn't know?
Do you come as a reminder of the time that passes on?
Or reminder of winter days that have barely begun

Come out stronger my friend, let the rain wash away
You are stories kept on hold, being written for another day
Write from places of hope, from inspiration and even pain
You are cloudy skies that disappear along with this October rain

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