
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 249: ReRuns

Sometimes our life takes us back to places and situations that used to be. They take us back to people we used to know and puts us right where we left off. I find them as reruns that were paused or suspended for a while in life, or maybe snippets that are played for now. We don't always get these moments, and sometimes you wonder if we wish for them at all. Yet a part of life that changes is that even in our reruns; reality keeps a check on us, and even as characters we evolve, we change. These get rewritten, re-edited and rephrased and hence they are aptly reruns of life we get to watch and be a part of sometimes with no endings defined.

I want you to wonder, as I wonder if you know
You are reruns in life, part of my favorite shows
Some characters of a book that seem to come alive
Pages of a book that in time we seem to write

My role comes and goes away from me
It reminds me of fact & fiction; within my own reality
Yet there are some roles I always assume
As though unpaused for a while as you hit resume.

We are wanderers who travel far and wide in words
In notebook pages, we fight our own fights & wage wars
We are heroes of the day who haven't fallen yet
We are chances in life, the hands we play & our own bets

Come, write with me, old stories we haven't read in a while
Come, heal from the world, let us look for your smile
Let us all be romantics in stories that had only begun
We are characters in life, sometimes living through reruns.

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