
Friday, October 30, 2015

Day 257: Two by Two

So I wrote about the rhyming of two lines( two by two) or sometimes about keeping it to four (hence the four by four). I took a chance when I wrote this one, written in the time frame of a song. These random endings to long days are about bookended hours, about cold days outside and the warmth of a hug that always feels special. I am amazed by the sheer depth and breadth of people sometimes, because just when you thought you have learned enough, you scratch it all and start over again. In any language of our choice certain things mean and feel exactly the same, we are bound by those that we decide to use. For now this is my calling, my way of writing to you in two by two and four by four as though we remain just as before. Sleep well my friend or rise to your own day, I write you in two by two or four by four, somewhere hidden away.

Two by Two
Just write me a two by two
A four by four seems too long
Pieces of the poems that fit
They are simpler than before

Write me a piece of a song
In the edges of the page they hide
Write again and again
Till the music is lost & found

Don't focus on the lyrics for now
The melody will take it away
It will write again and again
Somehow, somewhere and someday

I will sketch with these words so few
I will tell them to you
As though remains of the pieces
That are written in stories too

Come, write me line by line
You sketch me with pencil on paper fine
You capture me still in time
While I look for you & a perfect rhyme

So write me a two by two
Come, play me a four by four
Come, change the sounds that fill the room
Change them as they have never been before

These tunes that you play
My hands swiftly write bit by bit
I am lost in my own home
And in places where you & I both stay

Am I a man of my words if I change too
As I listen to keystrokes as you play
I ask myself the questions on repeat
Are you true to yourself or will you move away?

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