
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 255: Morning Uncaptured

As I sat there, wondering what I was doing so early in the morning. Wondering if the hours had flipped or had I temporarily changed the rules of the game. Had I been illusioned into getting up early or disillusioned about sleeping late? I am used to the evening sunset it falls between my comfort zone, but the morning sun eludes me from time to time. Though I may capture some of it's first rays as the night ended and I would sleep for a while. We have been patient with little things in life, we have paid attention and sometimes we have chosen to forget. The important things, the important people are so because of the importance we choose to give. Wield this day my friend as though writings about a new day, about bookends and chapters and sometimes thoughts that simply give you away.

Morning Uncaptured
The sun rises so slowly
I wonder if they have changed start of days
I wonder about sunrise on the horizon
And living through an unplanned today

Early morning to my own surprise
Passes on just so easily, as I walk beside
I will never keep hours I cannot talk to you
So in my writings I keep track, I follow through

Some will say that they can capture surprise
Write about heartbreak & come unharmed on the other side
Yet few will traverse into what they write to feel
Parts of themselves that for now they only choose to reveal

The things I add on, the things that will have changed
Are among the piles of things I have yet to rearrange
To those few who follow along early start of morning & days
Who wish to capture the passing away of moments today

Take a deep breath today, and jump into the things we don't say
Some that are written down and yet somehow let unsaid
In between folds of the page I hit restart and somehow rewrite
Transition in between hours of early morning or end of this night

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