
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day 246: My Love

At the end of the week I wanted to send some love your way. No matter where you are and with whom, whether you are enjoying reading this with a cup of tea while the ground slowly begins to freeze or whether you are reading this out to someone. Whether you are wrapped in a blanket reading your favorite book as your music fills the room. I don't know if it's the allure of hot chocolate and melting marshmallows, the quiet fall of leaves from trees as fall disappears, and the quieter knock of the wind on our windows. Are you listening, are you writing bit by bit. I hope as I grow a year older today I am allowed to sneak in a preview of writings from a place of my own. Here's hoping and writing to you, and through you to others.

My Love
My love, you are incomplete
Somewhere in the world without me
Waiting to be poured, like a glass of tea
Cooling & calming down as though the wind set free

My love you are kismet to few, luck to others & yet destiny
Falling from where the wind blows, like leaves from a tree
You are collections in time, you are heart held memories
Pieces that fit together again, whenever you need them to be

My love undefined, untouched and not even held by me
You are imagined on pages of paper & you are whatever you can be
You are not imagination trapped in the depths of my heart
You are the morning sun, you are the day waiting to start

My love, my loss, my strength or weakness in every way
I have learned much, lost and yet played the game anyways
Why bother about words, when we could speak with none
Why walk in fear every day, why do we need to define the one

My love for you, of you and to you lie unwritten for now
Like a traveler travelling back home & who knows not how
These meanings they wander on shores, like birds that fly above
Yet I circle the same places, the ones where I find you, my love.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful my friend. You always now how to bring joy into my life. Much love
