
Friday, October 23, 2015

Day 252: So are you

I was told that we would write someday, you and I would think of grand things and write about them. These were not writings from fiction, but in reality that often seems like a chapter being written in real time. "So are you" is an exploration of the idea that I may be writing but so are you, because you are adding on the things I write about, you may be the topic, the inspiration of simply musings of the day. But since you are the invisible thing, I wrote this as an ode to the "you" I know nothing about. I am writing as I sometimes will, and through me I hope so are you

So are you
"So are you", sitting on the other side
Hoping and wishing for things to come by
You are restless for new beginnings just the same
Yet somehow lost in the fantasy, hoping you came

"So are you", writing on the other side just in secret sometimes
While I wrap my head around the things I get to write
Friday morning blues or of end of weekdays as it may
I am writing to all of them, all days for now are just the same

You tell me about my quirks, that I stand out but so do you
Because we create something out of nothing & out of the blue
We wish for golden hours in the middle of the day
Because we are never surprised by the things with which we got away

So I am stuck in between a hard place & a choice
Do I write again of the mundane things, should I give them a voice
For nothing seems more inspired than the need to be
So are you this day, like an overturned pot filled with words set free

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