
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 250: Forgeries of Me

Sometimes what is captured in a moment isn't the real article, it isn't the complete story but rather snippets that add up to tell stories. For a long time, I thought about it as snapshots that represent a painting in some way, and yet they are forgeries of a real person. Though forgeries refer to something that is false and carries no real value, I believe that our forgeries are special because only we can create it. We sometimes get to choose and create these snapshots, these paintings. Whether they are writings inspired by others or sketches in life here and there. I think of these are perfect forgeries of me, where you cannot separate the parts from the sum every single day. So I explore this in my writing today, in the only way I know I can.

Forgeries of Me
Who am I to capture or even foresee?
That which lies right in front of me
The best of things in their originality
My best of writings are my own forgeries

They are hidden things kept open in a box
Yet writings shared with the world in hope of being lost
Bound yet unbound, jacketed yet untouched
Reaching out to as far as it could and with just as much

My canvas on the walls on which I sketch & draw
I look for a moment so inspired, it floods me with awe
Whether overwhelmed in things I cannot explain
My attempts at capturing all of this are my forgeries that remain

We are the real thing in the room, you & I, as you read & I write
As I burn away like a candle flame, like the last flicker of this night
For do I create a piece of me, or to the world I am just a snapshot of the day
So I call them my forgeries, for my reality, my inspiration & for now as you stay

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