
Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 254: Unlearning

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to unlearn something. It doesn't have to be something good or bad, it maybe something you want to forget. It maybe something that changes you or maybe something that defines you for what you now. I wish it was as easy as simply erasing pages or paragraphs from our live. This writing is an exploration on this "un" doing of things, the need for it and not really on the things you undo or unlearn. It looks at the need for being able to change and it explores it through using "un" as the central descriptor during the writing. In the middle of the day I am still writing pieces as I go, sometimes that I learn and others I do not know.

Undivided my days, my hours, my minutes my passing of ways
My quiet journeys to and fro, not knowing where it takes
My cold winter morning sometimes and sometimes sunny days
Sometimes just the changing colors of falls & rise and fall from grace

Untethered sometimes my heart that writes & sings out loud
I am the quiet in between when all your thoughts have been drowned by a crowd
I am the writer and the writing itself, and the reader as I read
I am sketches here and there, I am thoughts that run free without heed.

Unlearn from things that lay somewhere in your memory
Build thoughts that flow as though in love with gravity
Paint on your canvas or at least sketch me with pencil on paper
Write me as thoughts that grow strong, never weak or tapered

Unfocus from the world my friend, we are finding new pictures that way
We are looking for things that hide in plain sight & somehow seem to get away
The many versions of you and me, seem unsolved for now, unfinished at best
So I lean on myself sometimes, waiting for your perfect yet incomplete sketch.

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